4 responses to “Pages from: Lauri Shillings | Journal Review

  1. I do agree with Ed. I wondered also about the use of the slate blue. Maybe a light gray or warm tan color could have been used. The blue doesn’t match the color scheme of your page. But overall, love the pages.

  2. These pages are super sharp! The designer in me says bravo! Great use of photos here.

    The editor in me wonders where the news ends and the advertising begins. Not sure if I understand the goal of the section here. As a reader I can’t tell if these are car reviews by paid staffers or advertorials. If all the content came from car companies it should have been labeled that way.

    Beautiful work though!

  3. David Merrill

    I love the contrasts of size in these pages, and how everything hangs together. I agree with Ed on the reverse in the primary block: if the type held up on the press, great, but it’s risky, especially if the color consists of more than one ink.

    My only discomfort with the primary page is the wrapped text overlapping the speedometer image. I would have liked to see the text standing off from the image just a little, to let the actual roundness of the speedometer support the faux roundness of the wrapped text.

    Personally, I like the coolness of the slate blue, fading toward the warmth of the ad at the bottom. Broadsheet is a whole lot of vertical space to fill, and too much sameness from top to bottom would, I believe, reduce the impact and flow.

    Nice work, Lauri!

  4. On the main page, I’m not crazy about the text run around on the speedometer; actually, I like it a great deal, but it seems too close, like it wants room to breathe a bit. I love, love, love the ad — fonts, photo placement, text all seamlessly worked for me. Very nicely done.

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