2 responses to “Page from: Sam Lucero | The Compass

  1. I agree totally with using one good dominant photo. The Mass photo is pretty standard stuff, but the photos at odd angles and shaded is the sort of thing one might do for an inside feature. This must be your annual market-saturation piece and I understand that you’d want it to appeal to a wide crowd, but I think you’d be better served with one knock-out photo. Or go a totally different way, and do an engaging “regular” front page.

  2. Derek

    I agree that 1 dominant photo might have been the way to go, but I think the current layout could benefit from the adding of a little more depth as Ed said.

    I would’ve bumped the top right photo over to the left a little so that all 3 photos overlap instead of just the 2 on the right. That gap between the top 2 photos bothers my eyeballs.

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